Date for the Advent of Muhammad
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length of the sixth Overlay (of Muhammad) is 1842.85714286 P".
(see Figure 16) The length of this overlay gives us the
dates for the proclamation of Muhammad.
taking the length of the sixth Overlay (of Muhammad), 1842.85714286
P", and multiplying it by 7 (Muhammad is the seventh Manifestation
in the Adamic cycle) and dividing it by 10, gives us 1290. Twelve
hundred and ninety lunar years (prophesied of in Daniel chapter
12) before the Proclamation of Baha'u'llah in the Garden of Ridvan
on April 21st, 1863 AD gives us the day of the Proclamation of Muhammad
on September 7th, 612 AD. It was on September 7th,
612 AD, that Muhammad officially proclaimed himself to all his family
at a special dinner that he had arranged just for that occasion.
This happened after a three-year silence, since the start of the
mission of Muhammad when the angel Gabriel came to him in the cave
of Hira, that he received the call to proclaim himself openly to
his family first and then to all the people.
when we take the length of the sixth Overlay (of Muhammad) 1842.857143
P" and subtract 1260 from this (the date for the Advent of
the Bab according to the Muslim calendar), you get 582.85714286
P". (see Figure 17) Add to this
the distance from the Zero Point to the start of Grand Gallery,
29.7178918677 P", giving you 612.575034728 P", or July
30th, 613 AD, the exact date when Muhammad next proclaimed
himself in public on Mt. Safa to the entire population of the city
of Mecca. The Pyramid gives both dates for the Proclamation of Muhammad.
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