prophecies for the establishment of the Holy City in America is
as old as the hills. Isaiah tells us the way Jesus will come from
the mountains in the Northwest:
saith the LORD, In an acceptable time have I heard thee [Jesus],
and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: and I will preserve
thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people,
to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the
desolate heritages [David's lineage]; That thou
mayest say to the prisoners [in the Montana State Prison], Go
forth; to them that are in darkness [the Christians and the Covenant-breaking
Baha'is], Shew yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their
pastures shall be in all high places.... And I will make
all my mountains a way, and my highways shall be exalted. Behold,
these shall come from far [America]: and, lo, these from the north
and from the west [northwest]; and these from the land [Leland]
of Sinim. (Isaiah 49:8, 9, 11, 12)
is a northern state bordering on Canada. Deer Lodge is in the Rocky
Mountains in the far west of Montana, fulfilling the prophecy of
coming in the mountains of the north and west. There are numerable
prophecies concerning Jesus coming in the west and in America and
in Deer Lodge.
Mountains of Brass
Mormons thought that Jesus would come to the Mormon Temple in Salt
Lake City in Utah. But George Williams, who was associated with
the Mormons, prophesied and had visions that showed Jesus coming
in the Deer Lodge Valley, Montana where the Temple of God, the City
of the Great King, the New Jerusalem, is to be built. In Hebrew
the word for copper and brass is the same. On either end of the
Deer Lodge Valley (where the prison is located in the city of Deer
Lodge) are the world's two largest mountains of Copper: Lincoln
and Butte, Montana.
I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold, there
came four chariots out from between two mountains; and the mountains
were mountains of brass. (Zechariah 6:1)
is called the 'Richest Hill on earth.' In 1900 Butte produced about
one-quarter of the United States' copper output and one-seventh
of the world's! [2] Butte is also called
the city a mile high and a mile deep. It is a mile high in the Rocky
Mountains and a mile deep with copper mines. Likewise, it is known
that Lincoln, Montana has even more copper than Butte, though it
hasn't been tapped yet.
is between these two mountains of brass that the Old Montana Prison
in Deer Lodge fulfills the prophecy for the seven-towered temple
of Ezekiel's Temple where Jesus II enters through the eastern gate
of Tower #7 between the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz (Jesus and
the prison in Deer Lodge between these two mountains of brass (Lincoln
and Butte), the chariots of God and His heavenly army, led by the
return of Jesus, will gather to be sent out into the world proclaiming
the good news of the establishment of the Kingdom of God:
the first chariot were red horses; and in the second chariot black
horses; and in the third chariot white horses; and in the fourth
chariot grizzled and bay horses. Then I answered and said unto
the angel that talked with me, What are these, my lord? ...These
are the four spirits of the heavens, which go
forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth. (Zechariah
Morrisites and George Williams
MORRISITES get their name from Joseph Morris. He appeared on the
scene at the height of the great Mormon reformation of 1856. [3]
It was his mission, much like that of the great reformer Martin
Luther, to separate a group of pure-hearted people from the mainstream
Mormon church which by that time had deviated from its course. The
MORRISITES consider the reformer Morris as only the martyr foreshadower,
or forerunner, of their true prophet, George Williams. [4]
years after the Mormons entered the Great Salt Lake area in Utah,
in 1857, they had become very corrupt under the leadership of Brigham
Young. The main corruption of the Mormons was polygamy. Federal
Court ruled that this practice was started by Brigham Young, not
by Joseph Smith [5] and wasn't announced
by Brigham Young as an official Mormon practice until 1852, eight
years after Smith had died. The purpose of this was so Brigham Young
could marry a lot of rich widows and get their money and land. He
would send a young man who was married and had some rich possessions
and land to a foreign country, and then marry his wife and appropriate
his land and belongings to himself.
Morris rose up at this time against the corruption of Brigham Young.
He was a relatively unknown Mormon like Martin Luther who, in his
day, was just one simple monk against the great Pope. Like Luther,
Morris had no intention of starting his own religion. He just wanted
to reform the Mormon Church in Utah and get rid of all their corruption
so they could continue on their true path. However, Brigham Young
refused to reform, just like the Pope refused to reform to Martin
Luther. Brigham Young decided that he had to get rid of Morris and
rub him out. Martin Luther, when he made his declaration, found
protection from the Pope under the eight German princes. As long
as the U.S. government army remained in the Utah territory, Morris
was safe. However, in 1862 with the outbreak of the Civil War, the
U.S. army pulled out of Utah, and Brigham Young and his Mormon militia
took over. They ruthlessly murdered Joseph Morris and several other
MORRISITES, ranking the MORRISITES war right up there with the Mountain
Meadows Massacre a few years earlier.
the Brighamite Sheriff Burton, riding roughshod into the MORRISITES
camp at Kingston Fort, tried to run Joseph Morris down with his
horse, he said, "I want no more of your apostasy" [6]
(clearly showing that the conflict was purely religious in nature),
and then shot Morris dead.
by Neal Chase
June 15th, 1862, Joseph Morris was murdered under the direct orders
of Brigham Young. At that time the United States Army had already
withdrawn from the Utah territory in July of 1861 to fight the Civil
War and the Mormon militia under the iron-fisted control of Brigham
Young had taken over full power.
legal writs, warrants and other government authorizations issued
to empower the Mormon militia for the murder of Morris were all
orchestrated and controlled by Brigham Young through the force of
his three main agents: Sheriff Robert T. Burton, who did the actual
killing; Judge John F. Kinney, who issued the writs; and Acting
Governor Frank Fuller, who placed his seal of approval on the executive
order to kill Joseph Morris.
Burton was a known pawn and dirty-jobber for Brigham Young. Judge
Kinney publicly stated that he was in Brigham's pocket. And acting
Governor Fuller was a devout Mormon and follower of Young's.
Morrisite slaughter was the final atrocity on top of previous abominations
of the Mormons such as the Mountain Meadows Massacre, the murder
of the Aiken party—another bloody episode—and other
heinous crimes that moved the Lincoln Administration, despite the
immediate concerns imposed by the Civil War, to re-occupy the Utah
Territory and protect the remaining Morrisites from any harm and
danger from the violent threats and acts of Brigham Young and his
Mormon killers.
after the murder of Morris and the arraignment of the surviving
Morrisites in the court of Judge Kinney, Acting Governor Fuller
was relieved of duty on July 7th, 1862, with the arrival of newly
appointed Governor Stephen S. Harding.
was instantly revolted by the slaughter—an oppressive religious
war within the territory orchestrated by Young—and immediately
set out to get to the truth of the matter. This ended in Harding
granting a full exoneration of all charges against the Morrisites
as well as the issuance of a strong report back to Washington reaching
Abraham Lincoln through the Secretary of State. Lincoln then ordered
the Union soldiers back into the Utah territory, under the leadership
of General Patrick Edward Connor, to protect the Morrisite people
from further harm. These actions by Lincoln completely infuriated
Brigham Young who lashed out at the President from the pulpit in
a feverish tirade.
as for those whom Abraham Lincoln has sent here [Connor's troops]
if they meddle with our domestic affairs I will send them to hell
across lots; and as for those apostates [the Morrisites] running
around here, they will probably fall down and their bowels will
gush out, or they will bleed somewhere else. (Holy Murder:
The Story of Porter Rockwell by Kelly and Birney, pp. 219,
the loud threats, General Connor fulfilled his mission by personally
overseeing that the Morrisite wagon trains safely left the Utah
Territory on May 5th, 1863 with a full military escort! One wagon
train went south to Carson City, Nevada, while the other train led
by Connor moved north to Soda Springs, Idaho, where the Morrisites
built a settlement that they named Morris Town.
was at this time that George Williams came onto the scene with his
visions of the return of Jesus to be in the Deer Lodge Valley in
Williams was never a Morrisite. He always remained a Mormon. It
was the MORRISITES, however, who listened to his prophecies and
followed his instructions to move to Deer Lodge. Williams was a
farmer living in Salt Lake City, but as Brigham Young was looking
to do with him as he did with Joseph Morris, Williams moved from
Utah back to his native England. [7]
First Vision
April 15th, 1862, while riding on his horse in the mountains of
Utah, Williams was overcome by a majestic visitation from the north
in the direction of Deer Lodge in which he saw the return of Jesus
leading the armies of heaven, riding 'a countless host of horses'
out from between two 'massive pillars of light.' These two massive
pillars correspond to the two mountains of brass from which the
four chariots of the armies of heaven are prophesied to come forth
in Zechariah chapter 6. The two mountains of brass are Lincoln and
Butte, Montana. Lincoln is on the north and Butte is on the south
of the Deer Lodge Valley.
first vision was first circulated in handwritten form and was later
published by John Eardley in 1899 in a book containing Williams'
prophecies and visions entitled Gems of Inspiration. Williams
leading a blameless life, and searching after the treasures of
eternity, through the gospel of Christ, under the guidance of
the Holy Spirit, I was on the 15th day of April AD 1862, riding
on my spirited mare by the slope of the western range of mountains,
near Hacker's Canyon, in Salt Lake Valley, Utah, when snow began
to fall in a marvelous manner. A cloud appeared in the north and
became agitated, and speedily formed an enormous archway, spanning
the entire valley.
each side of this arch were massive pillars of light, constructed
with fine skill, and folding doors studded with golden bolts.
Beholding this heavenly appearance, I alighted from my horse,
and allowed it to escape. While meditating this scene, the eyes
of my understanding were opened by the spirit of God, so as to
understand the things of God as they were from eternity.
folding doors were thrown back, and the highway to the eternal
worlds was opened before me, and a voice strengthened me saying:
"fear not, thou greatly beloved of the Lord, these are they
that form a portion of the armies of heaven." Beyond the
folding doors I saw a countless host of horses, and they who sat
upon them had on breast-plates of fire, and diamonds, and helmets
of precious stones, and out of the nostrils of the horses came
fire and smoke, and their riders had large swords, and their faces
were lightened as the sun.... (cited from Joseph Morris and
the Saga of the Morrisites by C. Leroy Anderson, pp. 174-5)
the spring of 1863, corresponding exactly to the time of Baha'u'llah's
Proclamation in the Garden of Ridvan on April 21st, 1863, George
Williams, following the direction of God, proclaimed himself to
the Morrisite community and declared that Deer Lodge was the sacred
spot foreordained in all the books of God to be the site for the
Heavenly City, the "City, of the Great King" which is
described in the Book of Revelation and the Bible as the "New
once with joyful hearts and renewed vigor the seemingly beaten band
of Morrisites were now set aglow with a new zeal, for they had been
saved and redeemed just as Morris had promised they would be after
the great Morrisite killings of 1862! Now with the true vision of
the seer Williams, they triumphantly gathered their scant material
possessions and moved to the Deer Lodge Valley, for them the home
of the Promised Land! Some moved directly to Deer Lodge while others
moved to Soda Springs, Idaho and Council Bluffs, Iowa, later to
join the rest of them in Deer Lodge.
they built the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, and paved the streets
with pure gold (Revelation 21:21), and the city was pure gold (Revelation
21:18). The city was built foursquare, its length, breadth and heighth
are equal (Revelation 21:16). The city of Deer Lodge is one mile
wide, one mile long and one mile high—a cube—that is,
it is one mile above sea level. And they have a river of gold flowing
a little way west of Deer Lodge called Gold Creek.
of the Morrisites upon arriving in the Deer Lodge Valley went to
work in the placer gold mines, and they were paid in gold, which
they used to pay for the building of the streets and the city. Thus
the city and the streets were paid for with gold, or, in other words,
they were paved with gold.
hearing Williams' great announcement, the first Morrisites moved
to Montana in the spring of 1863, the same year that the Deer Lodge
Town Company platted the city of Deer Lodge, Montana as a perfect
square mile (640 acres).
the 1870s the majority of the rest of the Morrisites joined their
friends in Deer Lodge to await the return of Jesus in that city,
"the City of the Great King." Williams told the Morrisites
to build a Temple in Deer Lodge with stones from the surrounding
mountains, for Jesus would come and enter the Temple. He said that
they should look for him at the temple on August the 9th. The Morrisites
never built the Temple; instead they built a small wooden church,
not in Deer Lodge, but about 5 miles south of Deer Lodge where they
assembled every year in a great event on August 9th.
the State of Montana built the Temple for them from the rocks and
stones from the surrounding mountains. The return of Jesus entered
that Temple in the evening of August 8th, 1969, when he, Leland—the
Land—entered the Montana State Prison, placed there by God,
and he spent his first full day in that Temple on August 9th, 1969.
At the same time the Morrisites were assembled at their wooden church,
waiting there for Jesus. The prophecy of Williams was for them to
look for him on August the 9th at the Temple built of stones from
the surrounding mountains, not at a wooden church. Thus the Morrisites
missed the return of Jesus because they were looking for him in
the wrong place, in a wooden church south of Deer Lodge, whereas
Jesus was prophesied to come in the Temple in the City of Gold of
the Great King.
9th, 1969 was the last time the Morrisites met and looked for the
return of Jesus.[8] However, he had already
come, unbeknownst to them, in the Temple inside the City of Gold.
If they had followed the instructions of Williams more carefully
they would not have missed their hearts' desire. They didn't expect
for him to come in prison although he was prophesied by both Williams
and Jesus on his first coming that he would return in prison and
he would separate the sheep from the goats.
Other Visions
was specifically clear that it would be the return of Jesus the
High Priest after the Order of Melchizedec (see Hebrews, chapters
5, 6 and 7), and not the second coming of Christ (which is Baha'u'llah,
the descendant of David), who would appear in Deer Lodge! Thus Williams'
prophecy of the return of Jesus in prison was specifically referring
to the return of Jesus the High Priest, and he entitles his prophecy
"the high priesthood returns." Williams and the Morrisites
were really into the return of Jesus being of the Order of Melchizedec
(as the High Priest), and they held that Williams was the one representing
him at their time. This clarifies that it was not Jesus Christ,
but Jesus the High Priest after the Order of Melchizedec who Williams
also wish to know something of Melchizedec—the
real Melchizedec [Jesus the High Priest], not
one representing him [Williams]. Now mark the first time we hear
of him, he declared to be the King of Salem or Peace. Here is
brought out the bread and wine to Abraham, our faithful friend
and brother. It is not written what was said at this interview;
but I have not doubt it would be the same as said to the 12, at
his last supper when he [9]
takes the bread and also the cup saying: "Take, eat and drink,
all of you, for this is my body broken, and my blood shed for
you." There he stood [Jesus the High Priest] without a scar.
(George Williams' letter to Erasmussen, December 27, 1881)
gives the astounding fact that the return of Jesus the High Priest
(after the Order of Melchizedec) will be from the royal line (genealogy)
of the Kings of Denmark. Most of the Morrisites were Danes (of the
tribe of Dan) that had migrated to Danmark. The Danes were different
from the Christians and the Mormons in that they were not waiting
for Jesus to descend from the sky, but would be born from the lineage
of the Kings of Danmark, or Denmark. Dr. Leland Jensen is a full-blooded
Dane on both his mother's (Petersen) and his father's (Jensen)
side. His father's line goes back to the royalty of Denmark, fulfilling
Williams' prophecy.
gives the clearest picture of all! Unlike the ridiculous myths of
the majority of Christians waiting for Jesus to come down out of
the physical sky on a physical cloud, the Morrisites were awaiting
the return of Jesus for over 100 years as a descendant of the Kings
of Denmark, a real person, to be imprisoned in the city of Deer
Lodge in a stone building that was both a prison and Ezekiel's seven-towered
Temple. He would be wearing a "dirty garment" as his charge,
which the Bab and Baha'u'llah, though in prison, did not have. He
would arrive on the day of August 9th of 1969. Williams said that
he knew his new name (which we know is Leland: the Land,
Ha Eretz; see Zechariah 3:9), but he says it was not for him to
reveal. And that his mission as the High Priest after the Order
of Melchizedec was to open the scroll of the Covenant and to go
by the Law of the Book of the Covenant (Will and Testament)
in order to establish his Father's Kingdom.
a capstone to this brief segment of Williams' prophecies is a most
remarkable vision of all, of special interest to Baha'is as well
as all the people of the world. In an astounding vision in which
Muhammad appeared to George Williams, he was instructed to send
a messenger from Deer Lodge to Constantinople and rebuke the Sultan
of the Turkish Empire, Abdu'l-Aziz, who is the one that imprisoned
Baha'u'llah unjustly. Williams prophesies that the Ottoman Empire
will be torn down for this evil deed and that the Sultan will lose
his power, which he did. The most astounding feature of the vision
of Muhammad is that at the end of it Williams hears a multitude
of angels singing the most beautiful sound he had ever heard, "Allah'u'Abha!
Allah'u'Abha!" over and over again:
[George Williams] bowed consent and then a pause. Muhammad said,
"My time is expired. Farewell." I heard now a loud rushing,
it seemed of a thousand voices, the most distinctive sound was
Allah Abbah. This proceeded from the same body
of light that swept past taking my visitor which I watched till
I could see no more. And the voices left their memory, the sweetest
ever mortal heard. (George Williams' Vision of Muhammad, 1867)
in this vision Williams received the Most Great Name brought by
Baha'u'llah and Baha'u'llah alone, showing that he had attained,
as Baha'u'llah has written: the true station which every Baha'i
can attain is that of an Old Testament prophet.
Jesus Christ and Baha'u'llah who had John the Baptist and the Bab,
respectively, as their forerunners, Dr. Leland Jensen has George
Williams and the Morrisites. The entire Deer Lodge Valley was pioneered
and settled specifically for his coming so that all the people of
the world could be absolutely assured through this proof that he
is the authentic and bona fide establisher of the Baha'i Faith,
authorized to re-establish what the Covenant-breaking "Hands"
threw out—the genuine IBC/UHJ with the Davidic Kingship as
the president and member for life of that body.
purpose of these prophecies is to establish beyond any doubt whatsoever
(through proofs) what the true and full station, mission and authority
of Dr. Jensen is as the authentic establisher of the Baha'i faith.
The fulfillment of prophecy is given by 'Abdu'l-Baha in Some
Answered Questions as the bona fide criteria for recognizing
the authenticity of the Promised Ones.[10]
When we see that they fulfill the prophecies from a number of established
sources, like the Biblical proofs given for Jesus on his first coming
and those for the coming of Baha'u'llah, then we can see they are
authentic and we can believe in them, as authenticity is the criteria
for believability. God has been very gracious in sending His Son
back at this time of great trouble just before the great catastrophe,
guiding those pure souls that had been hoodwinked and bamboozled
into following false leaders such as the clergy of the various religions
and the Covenant-breaking "Hands" of the Baha'i faith
along with their created monster (without a head) Universal House
of Justice.
Return of Jesus is not a Manifestation
thou the Day of Resurrection. Were God to pronounce the lowliest
of creatures among the faithful to be the First One to believe
in the Bayan, thou shouldst have no misgivings about it and must
be of them that truly believe. In this station look not upon human
limitations and names but rather upon that whereby the rank of
the First One to believe is vindicated, which is faith in God,
and recognition of His being and assurance in the fulfillment
of His irresistible and binding command.
thou the Revelation of the Point of the Bayan [the Bab]—exalted
is His glory. He pronounced the First One to believe in Him [Mulla
Husayn] to be Muhammad, the Messenger of God. [Yet Mulla Husayn
was not a Manifestation! But a follower of the Manifestation!]
Does it beseem a man to dispute with Him by saying that this man
is from Persia, the Other from Arabia, or this one was called
Husayn while the Other bore the name Muhammad? Nay, I swear by
God's holy Being, the Exalted, the Most Great. Surely no man of
intelligence and insight would ever pay attention unto limitations
or names, but rather unto that with which Muhammad was invested,
which was none other than the Cause of God. Such a man of insight
would likewise consider [Mulla] Husayn and the position he occupied
in the Cause of God, the Omnipotent, the Exalted, the Knowing,
the Wise.
(Tablets of Baha'u'llah, pp. 184, 185)
since the First One to believe in God in the Dispensation of the
Bayan was invested with command similar to that with which Muhammad,
the Messenger of God, was invested, therefore the Bab pronounced
him to be the latter, namely, his return and resurrection. This
station [although Mulla Husayn was not a Manifestation] is sanctified
from every limitation or name, and naught can be seen therein but
God, the One, the Peerless, the All-Knowing.
Bab was the Promised Manifestation of Islam, and therefore Mullah
Husayn, the First One to fully believe and comprehend his Revelation,
was invested with the station of being the return and resurrection
of Muhammad, although Mullah Husayn was not himself a Manifestation
of God like the Bab, but was, rather, his follower. The coming of
Baha'u'llah is that of the second coming of Christ, the fulfillment
of Christianity, and therefore, the First One in this Great Revelation,
the establisher of the Baha'i Faith, holds the station of the return
and resurrection of Jesus without being a Manifestation of God,
the same as Mulla Husayn was not a Manifestation of God yet was
the return of Muhammad.
1 Revelation 21:2, 21 [back]
2 Tom Stout, Montana, History
and Biography (The American Historical Society, Chicago and
New York: 1921) p. 836. [back]
3 C. Leroy Anderson, For Christ
Will Come Tomorrow: the Saga of the Morrisites (Logan Utah:
Utah State University Press, 1980), p. 13 [back]
4 Anderson, pp. 149, 154 [back]
5 An eminent jurist, Federal Judge
John E. Philips reviewed the evidence presented by the polygamous
Utah Mormon Church [of Brigham Young], in legal proceedings wherein
the origin of the doctrine and practice of polygamy was a vital
issue, and held that Brigham Young, not Joseph Smith, was the author
and instigator of that… doctrine (see 'Reorganized Church
vs. Church of Christ, et al, 60 fed. 937,' cited in: Inez Smith
Davis, The Story of the Church (Independence, Missouri:
Herald Publishing House, 1959), p. 486). For more on this see Chapter
Six, JOSEPH SMITH, subsections: 'The vision of Joseph Smith' and
'The pure of heart.' [back]
6 Joseph Morris, The Spirit
Prevails (San Francisco: George S. Dove and Company, 1886)
Introduction by G. Dove, p. 7 [back]
7 From Ezekiel's Temple in Montana,
by Neal Chase. [back]
8 "The Church of Jesus Christ
of the saints of the Most High [the Morrisites] officially disbanded
in 1969 [on August 9th]." (MCLU) index book, Morrisites Collection:
Marie-Eccles Caine Archive, Logan, Utah at the Utah State University.
9 Underlined by Williams to stress
the identity of Jesus the High Priest after the Order of Melchizedec
which is the one whom Williams foresaw in Deer Lodge—and not
Christ, Baha'u'llah, the descendant of David. [back]
See Some Answered Questions, chapter 10: "Traditional
Proofs Exemplified from the book of Daniel," p. 43. [back]
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