Revised Standard Version
(Unless Otherwise Indicated)
The Revelation
of Jesus
Book of Revelation is the greatest of all the Books of the Bible,
as it is the Revelation of Jesus—and it is the least understood,
as it is written in symbols and allegories such as different colour
horses, a dragon, different kinds of beasts and other images, to
such an extent that none of the Christians down through the ages,
nor the Covenant-breaking "Baha'is" could fathom. As God
gave this Revelation to Jesus Christ, only Christ (Baha'u'llah)
or Jesus on his return could know the meaning of this book. Therefore,
'Abdu'l-Baha, the delineator of Baha'u'llah's revelation, explained
accurately the 11th, part of the 12th and part of the 21st chapters.
The rest of the book has been left sealed to the Christians and
the Covenant-breaking "Baha'is."
have been many attempts of the Christians to interpret this great
book of Revelation. This includes both the Seventh Day Adventist
and the Jehovah Witness. In the Baha'i Faith there are two main
attempts: The APOCALYPSE UNSEALED by Robert
F. Riggs Copyright 1981, by Philosophical Library, Inc., showing
that this is not an approved book; and, the other book, (GOD
by Ruth J. Moffett, BAHA'I PUBLISHING TRUST, Post Box 19, New Delhi,
many years Ruth Moffett tried to get the National Spiritual Assembly
of the United States, and the Guardian, Shoghi Effendi, to approve
the manuscript of her book for Baha'i publication, with no results.
Finally, in 1977 she got the Baha'i Publishing Trust of New Delhi
India to approve her book.
many years Mrs. Moffett was one of the greatest Baha'i teachers
throughout the United States. She would go from city to city, throughout
the country, putting on a great campaign; having the Local Spiritual
Assemblies have her coming highly publicized; having her giving
a lecture in a prominent auditorium. Out of the lecture she would
get several score of seekers to sign up to attend two weeks of daily
firesides. Most of these students became believers.
Jensen was a third generation Baha'i through his grandparents on
his mother's side, who were among the most early Baha'is in America.
Leland Jensen's parents: Daisy Dell Petersen, and Christ Rowland
Jensen, were both Baha'is before they married each other in 1911,
and they met 'Abdu'l-Baha when he visited both Kenosha and Racine,
Wisconsin in 1912.
Jensen was born in Burlington, Wisconsin on August 22, 1914. Then
his family moved to Kenosha, Wisconsin, then to Chicago, Illinois,
then to Racine, then to Sturtevant, just west of Racine, where the
Jensen family first met Mrs. Moffett. Then later when the Jensens
moved back to Racine, Wisconsin, and Mrs. Moffett put on a campaign,
Leland, who was about seventeen at that time, went through Mrs.
Moffett's firesides where she gave, among other teachings, her interpretation
of the Book of Revelation. She taught these interpretations throughout
the United States. These firesides were most successful bringing
in new believers, sometime doubling or tripling their number. However
these explanations were erroneous. Being erroneous they have done
much harm to the Cause of God, leading the sheep to the slaughter.
Don't get me wrong, Dr. Leland Jensen considered Mrs. Moffett as
one of his mentors with a strong bond of affection and admiration
for her. She didn't lead the people astray purposely, for she had
a strong belief that she was gifted. She claims that Baha'u'llah
gave the "keys" for the interpretation of the Book of
Revelation, and by her using these "keys" her interpretations
are authentic:
recognition of the "Keys" as originating from a Divine
Source [Baha'u'llah] eliminates controversy and establishes unity,
harmony and clear understanding, opens the door of inner significance
and thus preserves the truth. This is the only method that is
authoritative and authentic, clear and satisfactory....the reader
is asked to sincerely consider the Authoritative—Authentic
Method, using the MASTER KEY, which is given by One Who is come
as the Revelator, the World Educator, the Manifestation or Voice
of God [Baha'u'llah], speaking to mankind for this Day…."
p. xv).
tells us:
of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scriptures
is a matter of one's interpretation, because no prophecy ever
came by the impulse of man, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke
from God"—Other authorities read: "moved by the
Holy Spirit holy men of God spoke." (The Second Letter of
Peter 1:20, 21)
Mrs. Moffett is telling us that Baha'u'llah gave us the keys to
interpret scriptures, whereas He passed the keys to interpret on
to His son 'Abdu'l-Baha, in the Kitab-i-Ahd (the Book of
the Covenant), making him the authoritative interpreter of Baha'u'llah's
Revelation, as well as that of other Holy Scriptures. 'Abdu'l-Baha
explained the 11th chapter, part of the 12th chapter, and part of
the 21st chapter of the Book of Revelation. His interpretation of
the 11th chapter pertained to Muhammad and Ali, Muhammad's establisher,
to interpret Scriptures, who would then, 1260 years later, return
as the Bab and Janabi Quddus, his establisher, of whom would have
the authority to interpret scriptures. Then in the 11th chapter
is the prophecy of the coming of the 7th angel who would also (as
Janabi Quddus) have the authority to interpret scriptures; of whom,
Abdu'l-Baha explained—that the 7th angel, as prophesied—will
come and establish the kingdom. 'Abdu'l-Baha in Some
Answered Questions, p. 66:
seventh angel is a man qualified with heavenly
qualities and character. Voices will be raised, so that the appearance
of the Divine Manifestation will be proclaimed and diffused...
—in that day of God, the Spiritual and Divine Kingdom will
be established, and the world will be renewed...." (ibid.)
7th angel will be able to accomplish this as he fulfills the prophecies
for the return of Jesus the high priest, as prophesied in Zechariah
3:1-10, who thus gives the authentic and correct meaning of the
Book of Revelation.
are prophecies in the New Testament for the return of Jesus
Christ. Baha'u'llah fulfilled the prophecies for
the second coming of Christ seated on the throne
of David, but not the prophecies for the return or the second coming
of Jesus. If He did He would have been an impostor. Jesus
said: "For many will come in my name [Jesus], saying 'I am
the Christ,' and they will lead many astray." Therefore, as
a necessity, the return of Jesus must be another person, as Baha'u'llah
only fulfilled the prophecies for the return of Christ [1],
not Jesus. As 'Abdu'l-Baha only explained the
11th and part of the 12th and part of the 21st chapters of Revelation,
as these pertained to the coming of the Bab and Baha'u'llah [2],
and as 'Abdu'l-Baha did not explain the meanings of the remaining
chapters, and as the Book of Revelation is the Revelation of Jesus
Christ, then only Jesus on his return explains
the remaining chapters. Daniel gave the dates
for the return of Jesus. The first date was 1260 AH, or 1844
AD, which was the return of Jesus as the door[3].
The second was 1280 AH, or 1863 AD, for the return of Christ
(Baha'u'llah), and the third is 1335 solar years from the victory
of Muhammad in 628 AD, to April 21-29, 1963 AD, when Jesus
(not Christ) began his ministry by being opposed
by Satan.
THE Book of Revelation is the greatest book in the
entire Bible, and it is the one book that is most misunderstood.
Nobody knows the meaning of this book, as it is written in symbols,
allegories and a style or fashion that makes it almost impossible
to decipher its purpose, and its significance. That is why preachers
neglect it almost completely. This was the intent of God. That is,
He kept it a mystery so that only the return of Christ,
Baha'u'llah, and the return of Jesus the Lamb, Leland, would
be able to unravel the mysteries that are enshrined therein. This
was to give proof that these two are the ones sent by God, so that
all mankind could turn to them and benefit by Baha'u'llah's
Revelation of the Kingdom, and by Jesus' explanations and
commentaries to establish that Kingdom in the world. 'Abdu'l-Baha,
the delineator of Baha'u'llah's Revelation, revealed the meaning
of the eleventh chapter, and the first six verses of the 12th chapter,
and a few verses of the 21st chapter. This is all that mankind in
this world would know of the meaning of the Book of Revelation.
To all of the rest of the world it remains a complete mystery, except
the Baha'is Under the Provisions of the Covenant, who have been
taught the meanings by Jesus (Leland).
approximately 96 AD, John, the youngest of the twelve apostles of
Christ, was in the area of Asia Minor preaching the gospel of Jesus
Christ. He was taken prisoner and exiled by the Roman Government
to Patmos, a penal colony. While imprisoned there John received
the Revelation of Jesus Christ, on his first coming, in the form
of visions which were revealed to him by an angel of Jesus. John
immediately addressed the seven churches which existed in Asia Minor
at that time revealing the visions which he had received.
these seven churches represent the seven conditions of Christianity
both good and bad that would both inflict and benefit the believers
in Christianity. This message from Jesus was sent by the angel of
Jesus to these seven churches, thus the Revelation of Jesus Christ
was recorded and preserved until this very day.
was a Universal Manifestation, as were the Prophets Adam and Baha'u'llah.
The rest of the Manifestations: Moses, Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha
and Muhammad, had Revelations that were for certain peoples so that
they would become very great civilizations. Jesus told his apostles
and disciples to go out and teach the nations, so that when Baha'u'llah
came there would be Christians living among nations, so that when
these Christians were converted to the Baha'i faith by the return
of Jesus the Lamb they would be able to persuade these specific
civilizations to become Baha'i. That is why Jesus gave this Book
of Revelation, so at "the close of the Age" (2,000 AD)
(Matthew 24:3), the whole world would have this knowledge to become
Revelation of Jesus Christ reveals to all of mankind that which
will come to pass after the time John receives His Revelation, until
the time when God's Kingdom is established on earth as it is in
heaven. This Revelation, however, was not to be understood or correctly
interpreted until a specific, preordained time when Jesus would
return and give its true explanation. Therefore the meaning of the
visions that John received and recorded in the Book of Revelation
are hidden in symbolism and parallelism.
is the time for the mystery of those verses to be understood. The
One Whom God has Ordained to reveal the true meaning of His Word
is alive in the world today and doing the work of God [4].
He is prophesied throughout the Holy Scriptures by various titles,
He is the return of Jesus, Joshua the High Priest, the Seventh Angel
and the Lamb, to list but a few. This Promised One that fulfills
the prophecies for the return of Jesus the Lamb is Dr. Leland Jensen.
is the Day of Judgement, which precedes the establishment of God's
Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. All of mankind will hear the
Lamb's explanations and commentaries. The Revelation of God, which
began with Adam approximately 6000 years ago, and ends in this cycle
of man's existence with the Revelation of Baha'u'llah, will be established.
The diverse religions which man has invented and holds fast to,
will be destroyed. Those who cling to these false religions and/or
their own theologies will perish also. These are the things that
are revealed by the angel of Jesus to John, His disciple.
explanations I have given here are an attempt to put together, verse
by verse, this great message so that mankind may receive the blessing
of the knowledge of God's plan for mankind in these last days. This
is for your salvation and security during the oncoming Catastrophes.
symbols, allegories and a style or fashion that makes it almost
impossible to decipher its purpose, and its significance, is why
preachers neglect it almost completely. This was the intent of God.
That is, He kept it a mystery so that only the return of Christ,
Baha'u'llah, and the return of Jesus the Lamb, Leland, would be
able to unravel the mysteries that are enshrined therein. This was
to give proof that these two are the ones sent by God, so that all
mankind could turn to them and benefit by Baha'u'llah's Revelation
of the Kingdom, and by Jesus' explanations and commentaries to establish
that Kingdom in the world. 'Abdu'l-Baha, the delineator of Baha'u'llah's
Revelation, revealed the meaning of the eleventh chapter, and the
first six verses of the 12th chapter, and a few verses of the 21st
chapter. This is all that Covenant-breaking "Baha'is"
know of the meaning of the Book of Revelation. To all of the rest
of the world it remains a complete mystery, except the Baha'is Under
the Provisions of the Covenant, who were taught the meanings.
Adamic cycle began 6,000 years ago in 4000 BC, and ends at the end
of this century. At the end of this cycle of man's existence the
Revelation of Baha'u'llah will be established at 2001 AD.[5]
The diverse religions which man has invented and holds fast to,
will be destroyed. Those who cling to these false religions and/or
their own theologies will perish also. These are the things that
are revealed by the angel of Jesus to John, His disciple.
the Grace and Divine Blessings of God, I myself have been brought
into the presence of His Promised One and have received the explanations
He gives for this Revelation of Jesus. The explanations I have given
here are an attempt to put together, verse by verse, this great
message so that all of mankind may receive the blessing of the knowledge
of God's Plan.
following interpretations of the Revelation of Jesus are the only
true interpretation as they are the interpretation of Jesus, not
the Christ, but Jesus the High Priest after the Order of Melchizedec:
have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that
enters into the inner shrine behind the curtain (veil), where
Jesus has gone as forerunner on our behalf, having become a high
priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek." (Hebrews
6:19, 20)
Entry by Troops in PDF format, Free Copy!

The meaning of the word Christ is a male sperm descendant of King
David. [back]
However there are prophecies in these chapters (11th and 12th) that
pertain to today. These are very very important and will be explained
in this book. [back]
3 John 10:7-9
4 Rev. 1:18;
4:11 [back]
This is the date for the coming forth of the BRANCH (see Zech. 3:8
KJV; Jer. 23:5 Moffat's). The Bab and Baha'u'llah give this same
date as the "Year Mustaghath" referring to the year 2001
that the Davidic Kingship (Branch of King David) would be firmly
established and the Banner of the Genealogy of Baha'u'llah would
be unfurled. This happened on midnight December 31, 2000/January
1, 2001 AD and culminated 10 days after the 9-11 event on September
21, 2001 AD. In his world-wide media proclamation, in April 1980,
Dr. Leland Jensen explained, referring to the Kingdom (the Monarchy
or the Davidic Kingship), that "In 2001, the Kingdom of God
will establish itself." (Dr. Leland Jensen, UPI, The Florida
Times-Union, Jacksonville, Tuesday, April 29, 1980) Thus showing
that this is the prophesied date for the coming forth of the Branch.
See Part One, Chapter 2, Remedies, p. 17 and Part Two, Revelation
Explained, chapter 16, vs. 17, p. 418 for more. [back]
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